Friday, March 16, 2007

Someone got a new toy!

Guess Who! <-----Click on link to see

Thursday, March 1, 2007


Hometown Buffet. You know it. You love it. (Even if you don't admit it. Cause who doesn't love all-you-can-eat buffets?) The kiddos especially love it. It's usually a Nanay+Papa+Kiddos thing, but this week the parents and aunt Kelly were allowed to join in. We didn't realize there were so many traditions though.
Like the visit with the HTB Bee.

And Lance helping Nanay make her salad (with fake bacon bits & crispy noodles). Sam & papa dishing up the chicken.

And of course a plateful of MINI CORNDOGS!
Bailey loves her mashed potatoes w/ gravy & Mac-n-Cheese. And Papa always gets a stack of soup bowls to use for ice cream later (rather than those tiny little bowls they have by the ice cream) so they can cool down (having come fresh from the dishwasher) & won't melt the ice cream.

The higlight of the evening, though, may be Sam's reenactment of his getting spooked out last night when he was sent to get ready for bed and heard a tree branch scrape the awning outside his bedroom window and then he raced into the livingroom screaming like a banshee.
Thanks Nanay, Papa, Lance, Samuel & Bailey for letting us crash your party!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Yes I am guilty

Yes I am guilty of dropping the drill on Dorie's toe.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

"I would like the one foot only pedicure please..."

Whats a girl to do, it's the day before " Valentines Day!" You know girls, the day when you decide to get a pedicure... finally after several months of being shut up in my favorite pair of cowboy boots, this cowgirl was going for her annual Valentines Day pedicure, guess not this year toes! what a baby... its only a spa pedicure, soaking the old dogs, getting lotioned up & flawless nail polish job, with no sheet marks! BooHoo! Okay, I am already over it! Now, I just need to be patient and take it one day at a time... "Remember the Daffodil Principle."

"How can I put this to use today?" ... I know,I shall catch up on my reading, thank you Lord for the opportunity to spend time doing something you know I love ... reading!!!!

"The Flying Dewalt Drill..."

Hey I think I'm ready to go on the "Discovery Channel"When was the last time you tried to catch a flying Dewalt Drill with your toes? Well I can tell you that I did not begin my day with that in mind. And... I know for sure Kevin did not set the goal of falling off the ladder with his Dewalt Drill in his hand either! Wow, was I scared as I looked up just in time to witness Kevin falling & the ladder going with him, silly me I thought I could catch him, really bad idea!!! Silly me... "But what to my wondering eyes should appear but a REALLY BIG bright yellow drill headed my way I fear! That is when it occurred to me, "GET OUT OF DODGE, ... Dorie." Well this is evidence that Dodge was much to large & well I didn't have much time. Ah... the consequences of "true love", Option #1: stay & see if Kevin survived the fall off the ladder with minimal damage & remain to administer first aid if necessary? Option #2: Catch his new "Dewalt Drill' before it hits the ground and breaks, "oh dear, this would impede my true loves goal?" So you see I chose option #1 & #2, I stayed... "One does that, when the choice is very obvious." I never knew how heavy & tough that "Dewalt Drill was... I do now! After a few tears & after Kevin regained consciousness and he realized that he no longer had his "Dewalt Drill" in his hand, he heard my scream & then cry, he rolled his body over on the garage floor and made his way towards me, he helped me up and we went into the house to do damage control. He made his way to the freezer for the frozen peas. "Thank you honey, sorry I didn't catch you, I'll do better next time I promise!" Again, I asked;"Are you sure you are alright? ... "Yes, he replied; I'm fine!" Okay, I'm not ...I think my really BIG right toe, is broken. Yup, that's' twice in my life I have been right! Ha! We have a gift in our family...we love to diagnose our injuries & ailments before we head out to the "hospital emergency room". It takes our mind off the injury, but also keeps pne occupied so that one is not dwelling on "ones broken toe!" ... and there is no charge to the injured party either, because we thank you for the opportunity to practice medicine with out a license. Yes even with a broken & bruised toe & foot, I wouldn't have missed..."Well actually I did miss the catch, but I caught something else, and that would be; seeing my husband apply the "daffodil principle". The garage is really looking good, and we aren't finished yet... "one day at a time, one garage at a time, two people, with nineteen good toes, and a couple of sore ribs.

~~~"Kevin you inspire me. I love YOU, or as our "Kellyry" puts it, "I heart you Kevin... 4ever4always. "~~~

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Really Bad Fung Sui....

Dorie was on a journey in her garage & happened to have a copy of the Pasadena Star-News with her! Thank goodness... Please pay attention to the date on the newspaper, February 13th year 2007. Kevin has resigned himself to the "Daffadill Principle".Those of you not familiar with this principle, I will try to be brief... Oh hush Kevin I can hear what you are thinking. Now where was I, Oh... I will tell you it is about a woman that planted 50,000 bulbs, daffodils, one at a time, one day at a time, by one woman .Two hands, two feet, and one brain! She began planting in 1958. So I believe this was Kevins' quest learning to move toward his goal in the re-designing of our garage, from stem to stern!! It is to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time and learning to love the doing, learning to use accumulation of time. when we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things, We can change the world ... I believe the daffodil principle was put in play on this thirteenth of February in the year two thousand and seven! You rock! Honey, Keep up the good work...I love you... xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Sunday, February 18, 2007

How many of me are there?

Wow! there were (O) of me as Dorie Innes in the US ... I always thought I might have been adopted, but it appears that it was not so, or there would have been at least one of me, right? could I possibly be an orphan Ha! LOL
I'm with you Mike, I find this hard to believe, but it was definitely interesting if it is indeed accurate. I thought I should check my married name , alas I do exist, and it said there were (2 ) Dorie Shaw's . Well that was fun. Oh my goodness, I need to get my beauty sleep. I was reading up on my new job, "Beginning Blogging Basics 101". HELP KELLY!!!!!!